8 Weeks

6 Weeks
So today we got to go and have another ultrasound and I was lucky to get another one so soon after the first...Doctor wanted to make sure on what week I was on couldn't figure out if it happened in April or May!! We were so excited to get to see our baby it feels like forever and you start to miss seeing the baby... Today's appointment was an experience that we will never forget we got to see the heartbeat for the first time and I just couldn't stop smiling he checked the heartbeat and all of a sudden he said that he thinks it's a GIRL I was like how do you know and he said that girls have really fast heartbeats and boys have slower heartbeats...It comes from medicine history in the 1800'S...I said ok now you can't tell me that cause I really want a girl and he said that he is almost positive that it's a girl!! Then I couldn't get the smile off my face for the rest of the appointment...I just kept thinking that nobody knows this yet at 8 weeks you have to wait until you are about 16 weeks to find it out!! We must be special!!
I saw the heartbeat right away I didn't even have to think twice about it I pointed it out before the doctor had a chance to tell me that's what it was!!
I cannot believe how fast they grow I mean from the first ultrasound to two weeks later how much our baby has grown...Doctor explained what the perfect circle was and he called it the "Yoke" it helps to keep the baby intact to mamma and if you can see it clear then you are in pretty good shape for the rest of the pregnancy and that is a really good sign..He said that he is sad to report that everything looks great...I get anxiety when I go to our appointments I just really hope for everything to be ok and then I leave feeling so at peace and that I have seen the baby and everything is ok!! Is this my motherly instincts kicking in already!!
My biggest worry about becoming a mom is that I am going to be a good mom and that I will know everything there is to know about being a mom! I have the best husband in the world and I know without a doubt that he will be the best dad! I cannot wait to see our baby on August 5th seems so far away but I really want to take every moment in cause it can go bye so fast!
I have felt ok for the most part I cannot complain the worst is the no appetite at night and the Heart Burn but it COULD BE WORSE my mom told me that she was never sick so I love her for giving that to me! Here is one of the pictures that we got today!! ENJOY WE ARE!!! I will also post the 6 week ultrasound can't see much but it's there!! And we are only having one!!
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