We had a really fun 4th this year seriously non-stop!! We left our house Friday around noon or so and we went to Frefrickos a family tradition for years and then we all meet at our spot on the lawn by the stadium! Fireworks were amazing Logan does a pretty good job...Saturday we made plans to have a BBQ with friends and then the boys were shooting clay disk things and then we went over to the cruisin in Logan to watch people get pulled over and get Questioned by police the whole night, then we went to friends house and had a fire and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows!! It was tons of fun!!
Sunday we went up Logan Canyon to the Franklin Basin Tim and Keara and the cutest baby were camping up there so we packed a lunch with my mom and dad and went four wheeling and had lunch with my cousins the Smith Family!! We played and played for hours went on really cool four wheeler rides and I cannot tell you how much water there is I didn't really understand how much everyone said there was until I saw it!
Monday was the 4th and we all went and had breakfast at my moms and then we went to the car show and went to check out all the new LEGAL fireworks you could buy now...Not to mention we had a stach of ILLEGAL fireworks that were fun too! The whole family went to Tim and Keara's house and had dinner and then we made a homemade slippery slide with a peice of plastic and then it wasn't slippery enough so we got dish soap and that seemed to be the trick!! So Much Fun and the neices loved it too, then we went to the Brigham fireworks at the park and that was fun to be right under the fireworks!! Love the 4th of July so fun to be with Family and Friends and just play!!!
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