I am so amazed at how fast Wyatt is catching on to things. He is starting to sleep longer at nights, he loves his bath times and he loves to lay on dad's lap while he reads his magazines or we are watching a movie of course he usually falls asleep. I love knowing that I get to wake up every morning and see his face he is such a good baby so patient and good natured. I love that I get to see him grow and change everday I'm such a lucky mommy!
We had a great Valentines Day we went to court and then we went to Red Robin and ate dinner I love that place they have the best food we didn't do much of anything else Zack got home later from work they have been swamped at work he works like 12 hour days sometimes more LOVE HIM!
Wyatt and I hangout everyday and I just love it I will be sad when I go back to work that I don't get to have everyday with him like I have had but it will be good! I got his Birth Announcement made there is a picture of it from a post I made a couple days ago I love how it turned out and I only paid like $3.00 for like 20 of them love Gift Cards that I got from registering at places when I was pregnant! Stores are a bad place to be when you have a baby they have the cutest clothes for kids and I just can't help but go and look and most of the time snag a deal!
Went to Primary Childrens Hospital to get Wyatt Ultrasound done on his hip and the Doctor says that it looks normal and that there shouldn't be any problems they thought that he might have hip displacia when we took him to his 2 day old check up but turns out it was nothing!
I went to my 6 week appt. I love Dr. Johnson he is the sweetest man he knows just how to make you feel comfortable with the questions that you have and helps you to understand and not feel overwhelmed with information! Everything looks great healed up nicely and not to mention the 30 lbs that I have lost!!! YAHOO!!!!
We have lots coming up soon so stay tuned! We are just loving our snuggle bug!