This weekend was so fun. It was nice to get to spend some time with my husband he has been working long hours cause his work is so busy right now couldn't have come at a better time with me off work with the baby.
Zack Mack and Wyatt " Liven Our Country Love Song"
LOOK AT WHAT I SCORED!!! There were lots of freebies this week I don't know my total yet on the retail value but I only paid $50.00 total and there are ALOT of items missing in the picture there is another case of Mountain Dew 24 pack its in the fridge and a gallon of milk and 7 more boxes of Eggo's in the freezer including the 3 I gave to the Denson household there is also another 2 pack of toothbrushes missing I used them to clean my house on Saturday and some other items missing cause they are secrets still so can't show them:)
I love couponing it gives me an out to shop till I drop and not pay for more then 75% of it!!! This week I really needed some cleaning products and it being spring they had sales and lots of new coupons came out this week so I stocked up! I just have to add that I got the Playtex Sippy Cups for free at Rite Aid with a store coupon worth $4.00 and a $2.00 off Manufacturers coupon so together I got one free and I had two coupons of each so I got two free!! I'm Addicted to coupons!
I also found $5.00 off coupons for the new Footloose movie that I will be using this week!!!
The clothes are from Old Navy and Kid to Kid there is a couple outfits missing because he wore some of them already and are getting washed there is a dinosaur outfit and a sailors outfit missing the clothes I paid $14.00 for Love Old Navy clearance they have the best if you are patient enough to wait for them to get marked down enough!! I even buy bigger sizes for this winter cause they are marking them down alot right now!
I cannot believe that our baby is 8 weeks old today it is sad but yet so fun to see him grow and change everyday! He is so fun and there is always something that happens to tell dad when he gets home from work at the end of the day. We had to go to the doctors on Friday cause he was so fussy the last couple days especially after he would eat he would just scream and throw up so we thought that it might be Acid reflux and we were right they put him on some meds for the next 6-8 months and will wing off it and be over it by then so we get to get through that the next little while! Not fun to have a fussy baby that never cries on a normal day! Kinda sends daddy for a loop and he feels so bad when he gets fussy after he eats. Meds are helping alot so hopefully it will continue to get better!
Zack has been working so much latley they are swamped at work he has worked 32 hours in two days and today is sunday and he is working....so sad...We miss him lately and feels like we don't get to see him much.
I go back to work in 2 weeks I'm excited but do NOT want to leave my baby not that I don't trust to leave him just it's to much fun being with him everyday and playing! It's so amazing to see the atmosphere in our home change with him in our lives now WE LOVE IT!
Today I decided was going to be just a chill day so I decided that Wyatt and I could watch Toy Story since I have all 3 of them! It was so much fun I posted a video for you to see! He drank lots of milk and I had lots of Mountain Dew and Cabdury Eggs! And I have to say that a little cleaning got done... We snuggled and he had a couple naps and I maybe fallen asleep for a minute:) Overall Sucessful Day!!!