Our Life

First we had each other, Then we had you, Now we have everything.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Well we didn't get good news from our insurance they didn't feel that there was a need for it and because it is a fertility drug they will not cover it so it would be $211.00 out of pocket if the Clomid doesn't work. So I started on March 20th and I am on Clomid insurance doesn't cover this either but it's only $34.00 out of pocket and your more likely to get twins on this! We would be so excited to have twins I have no idea why but I would be so excited! So I am taking 2 50mg pills a day so 100mg total....That's a ton considering that Zack mom got pregnant on just 25mg and got twins! CRAZY!! This medicine has the most waked side effects...HEADACHES....BLURY VISION....MOOD SWINGS....HOT FLASHES! Not very fun but I know that it will be worth it in the end! I am on Day 6 today of the cycle so I have tom to take my last 100mg of Clomid then I start Estradiol from day 8 to ovulation. I have an appointment on April 1st for my ultrasound and that is when we will find out if we are pregnant or not I am really trying not to get my hopes up but it's so hard not to when we have been trying for about a year now! Zack is super excited he keeps telling me that our babies are going to be spoiled and that we are not going to go the cheap route if we are going to do this then we are going to buy quality stuff to last along time! I love Zack and he is the best supporter ever!

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